Peter Ford

Technical Designer
Boston, MA, USA


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  • "@Joshua1. I don't think plants are involved at all. At the bottom are "glasshouses" (for heating up the air) not "greenhouses".2. If I'm understanding your last sentence correctly, carbon capture and smog mitigation/filtration are two different things. My understanding is that this is a basically a particulate filter, not a carbon removal system. So little info. So many questions..."
    on: China Builds Experimental 33-Story Air Purification Tower That Turns Smog Into Clean Air
  • "Had this (rental, with S/M tires) car in the Tahoe area a few weeks ago during some of the amazing snow. Can't say it was particularly great, nor bad, to drive. Growing up and living in New England I tend not to overreact in snow, so maybe the car didn't step in to take over, which kept it in the "M'eh" range. I would have preferred my Outback or my '83 Rabbit L. That car was very, surprisingly, good in the snow."
    on: What I Learned at Chevy's Snow Driving Training Event
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