"I see this rendered useless unless you live somewhere that has perfectly smooth sidewalks without curbs, pebbles or water. It would seem a skateboard actually offers a few pros this doesn't... curious how this responds to going down steep hills...."
"Elias , gracias por tu comentario. Le deseo suerte en sus estudios y presentaciones. gracias por tomarse el tiempo para leer y comentar en mi artículo. Visita mi sitio web para más información: pdn9.com"
"So glad you found this helpful, Ephrem! Feel free to hit me up if you ever have questions you think I can help with. You can find me over on LinkedIn or Twitter. Cheers!"
"Thanks Drew! That's good to know that this is on the right track and that you could relate. The blessings of working for a smaller or newer company ensures that you wear a lot of hats and learn lots, right?"
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