Brad Comis

Vancouver, BC, Canada


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  • "Better yet eat whole fruits and drink water. Anyone trying to tell you juice is somehow a healthy eating solution is trying to make money off you. You wouldn't squeeze the juice from a steak and then throw away the meat would you? Throwing away the squeezed fruit is insane and wasteful. There is a lot more nutrition in whole fruit than juice and whole fruit comes prepackaged by nature. Perfect example of the capitalistic profit motivator creating business where there should be none."
    on: Useless Product Design: Reporter Discovers $400 Juice Machine's Job Can be Done Faster by Hand
  • "It seems to me that she would know immediately that something was wrong with the bike. A 100W boost is a big change! A professional cyclist would most likely have a highly attenuated sense of loading for the legs and would notice this immediately- the bike probably has a power meter on it, which would make it even more obvious. She should have disqualified herself if she really received a bike with electrical assist.I don't find the "friend's bike" argument terribly unlikely. If the team doesn't have a huge budget it would be possible to make a few adjustments to a bike and have it race ready, but it would be strange and probably only undertaken in desperate circumstances."
    on: Pro Racing Cyclist Caught With Motor Hidden Inside Bike. Here's How She (Probably) Did It
  • "Looks to me like this thing has either 4 or 8 motors on it, if it has 8 motors then you've got lots of back-up motors. Even if there is only 4 motors I do think a quadcopter can fly with only 3 motors, but it will obviously be in "limp mode." As a radio control hobbyist it is pretty interesting to see the RC hobby roots of this project and the influences that show in the design of this machine. Exciting to see people experimenting!"
    on: Manufacturer Supposedly Scales Up Drone to Autonomously Carry Humans
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