Ville Walveranta

Texas, USA


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  • "Snipers on rooftops for rock concerts sounds pretty rough, but that may be the direction we're going if this type of events become more commonplace. We need a "Pre-crime" unit, like in "Minority Report".. :-]"
    on: What Can We Do to Prevent Events Like the Las Vegas Mass Shooting?
  • "And this is exactly the way of thinking that is totally incomprehensible to anyone outside of the U.S. Here in the U.S. so many people feel the need to have guns to "protect themselves from the government". And whenever the dubiousness of such claim is brought up, the response often includes the Jews' fate during Nazi Germany ("Had they had guns, Holocaust would not have happened.") Maybe so, but then the other alternative is what we have now: about 300 million guns that will *never leave their owners' hands without a civil war, and a society where every now and then someone who loses it takes out bunch of innocent civilians. You can't have it both ways."
    on: What Can We Do to Prevent Events Like the Las Vegas Mass Shooting?
  • "It's absolutely a societal problem. In some cases like Sandy Hook, it's due to a failing of the mental health system (before the regional/county Psychiatric hospitals were disbanded, he would likely have been locked up). But the Las Vegas shooter likely would not have been locked up. However, people like him reflect the society where any number of deep-rooted issues can be at play, such as loneliness, rootlessness, lack of support/security/community, glorification of violence in entertainment, etc."
    on: What Can We Do to Prevent Events Like the Las Vegas Mass Shooting?
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