Lucas Smith

Designer + iOS Engineer
Atlanta, GA, USA


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  • "My extensive experience has taught me that the goal of scaling is a preparation where crisp skin is paramount. Any scaling method should seek serve that purpose first. The primary job to be done is give the diner supple flesh *and* crisp skin. The secondary job is save time and effort for the cook.It seems to me that all of the above solutions are serving the secondary job to be done."
    on: A Tool in Need of Design: Fish Scalers
  • "I'm pumped that this is happening and I honestly would love to see the intersection of these disciplines be more prevalent. @iab (David Beck) I think the ultimate goal is that "Design" isn't part of any title. We have the opportunity to create a system of discovery through education that benefits everyone. A language we can be comfortable using together to solve problems is a great aspiration.###When people talk about "solving problems" and the website breaks the standard behavior of the browser (creating problems) to make it "pretty" (?) we all lose. Drop me a line, I'd love to help fix that site. It really bummed me out, like enough to post a comment on an article..."
    on: Why MIT's New Design Program Will Get Designers a Seat at the Table 
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