"Automotive equivalent of the whole USB A, C, micro, mini, lightning thing & uglier. That would be prohibitive to stamp metal sheets. Plastic housings would last a couple of days at best. Drive up/over charging that requires no user action would be good but that’s like wishing for Jetsons saucers. We’ve had Slot Cars since 1912."
"The toilet; the bastard stepchild of any retail business because it’s the least palatable expense in building out & maintaining a storefront. Even with a pandemic, many toilets failed in keeping clean. Rarely kept clean, anything that helps with sanitary conditions is a good thing because no staff member likes WC Duty."
"V1.2 Many manufacturers are having to decide between durability or weight with a thinner or softer grade aluminum. I've used Zero Halliburtons for decades but my 20 year old suitcase looks better than my 5 year old replacement. If you look at Rimowa's, they are great when purchased but look like crushed origami in short order. These cases are not cheap."
"Many luggage manufacturers are having to balance durability with weight. I've owned Zero Halliburtons for decades & they seemed to have sacrificed durability with either thinner or softer spec. aluminum. My 20 year old looks better than my 5 year old one. If you look at Rimowa's, they look great at purchase but they're like crushed origami very quickly. All these are not cheap."
"I agree, for everyday use, the G2 is the one. I am shocked as to how many cartridges are terrible including a lot of major brands. For nicer pens, Parker cartridges have been reliable. Especially the Japan market ones. Lamy cartridges have been reliable as well."
"This consultant business model is a contributor of our dysfunctional defense procurement apparatus. We have a system fraught with an abysmal success rate & cost control. How did we ever get anything done before this cottage industry? To be clear, I am pro defense but not gouging it to the ground."