Tucker Drake

Tennessee, USA


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  • "It looks like it's horrified by its own existence, as if it knows it'll eventually become one of the robotic cops from THX 1138."
    on: 1X Shows Off NEO Gamma, Their Domestic Servant Robot
  • "I have seen similar designed cookware in the past. Really old stuff, too. Late 1800s or so. Wonder how that stuff compares in terms of things like energy use and price?"
    on: Rocket Scientist Designs More Efficient Cast-Iron Cookware
  • "My home town of New Albany, OH was bought up by Les Wexner (owner of The Limited and friend of a certain infamous individual who committed suicide in prison) and he built a number of golf courses there. The amount of water they use is greater than the amount of water used to grow almonds in California. I don't know about you, but I'd much rather that water be used to grow crops than keep the greens looking pretty."
    on: Massive Slip 'N Slides: Worth the Water Usage?
  • "Reminds me of the toilet from Star Trek V."
    on: A Designey Toilet with a Sliding Lid
  • "The fact that it apparently can't fire your pizza bagels on to a waiting plate is a deal killer, IMHO."
    on: A Toaster That Also Works on Its Side
  • "I think it should be the original Terminator poster, with Clippy as the head on Arnold's body, with one glowing red eye and the caption, "Let me correct your grammar if you want to live.""
    on: A "Humble Masterpiece" of Industrial Design as ChatGPT Ai's New Face?
  • "Yeah, what harm could come from strapping a dog to the outside of a car in an era when things we take for granted, such as standardized stop sign designs, and rules of the road had yet to be established? Heaters were often optional equipment (if available at all) during this era, so it's not like putting Fido on the fender would subject him to severe cold in the winter, when being inside the car could only protect him from windchill."
    on: Early 20th-Century Safety-Ignorant Ways to Transport a Dog by Car
  • "Guitarists also grow their nails to be used as guitar picks.  Richie Havens being a famous example of one such guitarist."
    on: These Japanese Tapestry Artisans File Their Fingernails Into Thread-Channeling Tools
  • "Back in the 70s, there were some Hollywood EFX guys who'd do this in their neighborhood. Here's a link to an article about them: https://archive.org/details/starlog_magazine-018"
    on: DIY Prop Maker's Annual Halloween Horror Display is a Huge Hit
  • "Remember this story you posted? https://www.core77.com/posts/112490/Low-Tech-Eyeglasses-with-User-Adjustable-Water-LensesI'm an impoverished American, and I'd dearly love to be able to get my hands on a pair."
    on: Eyejusters: Self-Adjustable Reading Glasses
  • "Have you seen the 1983 cautionary tale movie "Blue Thunder"? It's about plans by the LAPD to use a military helicopter for crowd control at the 1984 Olympics."
    on: Police Snipers' Nests at the Super Bowl
  • "Note that the bit you quoted says that Rey started with "sand casting" and then switched to "gravity casting." For those of you who've not worked in a foundry, let me just say that this is some obfuscatory BS. Sand castings are gravity castings since you can't exactly inject molten metal under high pressure into most sand molds. Lost wax castings are also "gravity casting" and unlike sand castings, they can hold a higher level of tolerances with a lower deformation rate. One also doesn't have to do as much clean-up on lost wax casting as you do on sand castings to get the same level of finish.It seems fairly obvious to me that dude roughed his ideas out with sand castings, then improved upon it with lost wax castings, and eventually added glue and screws to the mix to have a commercially viable product."
    on: Hay Re-releases Iconic Bruno Rey Chair, With Mysterious Joinery Method
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