"On a another level, it is also not how much those components usually cost for a lot of other small companies or start ups that are trying to make product. Apple in particular has the most and the absolute power to get to the lowest price from any suppliers, thanks to the 500+ millions of orders from consumer every year. That is perhaps great for consumer if Apple choose to reflect the cost saving on their retail price. This is very irresponsible for CNN money or CTN news to claim a "logic board" is $74 and "other parts" are $117. There are probably hundreds of those components in the "board" / "other parts" that are produced by different companies around the globe and touched by thousands if not tens of thousands of people to bring it to life. The videos are not only misleading but also extremely unhealthy for consumer. We now think a piece of technology that so complex and involved tens of thousand of people around the globe should only cost you $236?! The inconvenience truth is that if we all want to make sure everyone involved get paid fairly and up to your standard, your phone might cost you thousands and a lot fewer people would probably buy those technology product. And perhaps that's what needs to happen so that we have a realistic view of how much it costs to make things. Perhaps the industry or global supply chain will never change but as a product designer or developer in general, we can start by doing things differently with our partners, collaborators, suppliers, as well as our customers. For example, we can choose to show how things are made, be transparent, and show who is involved and whats their stories. We might not be able to change the industry but we can make changes around us. I think its the least we can do and its important."