"How does it behave with a light or a very heavy load? Is the spring adjustable?Do I have to spend a lot of time testing the load adjustments until the right balance is found? Many questions...."
"Cool article! Public cars interiors should be thought differently. I wonder if we will get to car interiors that could be blasted with a pressure washer. By looking at Youtube you can find many idiots already attempting this, so I believe there is a big potential market not only limited to public transportation."
"This project as any other monorail, Hyperloop, Mag-Lev or whatever is doomed by the fact that it won't take advanatge of the existing rail infrastructure. Part of the success of the high-speed networks in Europe is not the purely the fast connection between two main cities, but the ability to reach smaller towns with the same train or by switching to a local train at the same station."
"ok, it’s made out of a renewable raw material without having a performance loss compared to regular; but once the watch is accidentaly lost by a snob environment sensible sailboat owner amid the ocean, it will still float in the patch forever like fossil plastic? I did not understand."
"This article is pathetic. It’s like saying: the “car certification thing” is going to end because anyone can weld a frame and buy a crate engine and build a super powerful illegal racecar. Mr. Noe is a super smart person and I enjoy reading his articles, but is not new to those kind of nonesense articles when it comes to weapons, showing a fearful and logicless attachment to this topic. As seen from Europe, this whole US gun debate is so wild and stupid that contrasts with taking place in a country that is so advanced."
"The worse of both worlds: scooter's weight and tire drag + bike's discomfort and poor reliability.And two miles in bathing costume with that saddle: ouch!"
"Why no front grille? Why no dashboard? Why no...I wasn't born in 1955, but i believe that the Citroen DS unveiling generated the same kind of discussions.It changed the market and then lasted 20 years in production."
"Cool, but the square frame design is not the smartest structure to choose. And "industrial design" should be something more related to form-funcion balance in my opinion."
"Have a medical (mostly mental) check, have an immaculate criminal record, prove you can manage the device, prove you know the regulations, apply for a yearly renewal. Pay taxes on it.It's easier that maintaining a flying licence. It's similar to what is common in most countries including mine."
"As seen from abroad, this American psycho-drama about fire weapons is ridicolous and wild, as it is this attempt to design countermeasures for a risk that could be highly reduced with simple actions.Just do what every civilized country (except US) do: put a licence (as the one you need for...you know what: cars) to buy, possess and operate a gun or a rifle. Declare as illegal the commerce of war weapons to civilians. Set up a register as for, uh-oh cars, again. Is this too difficult?"