"LuminAID, an inflatable LED light for which this concept is ALMOST a carbon copy, has been around for at least 4 years and incorporates a social mission directly into their business model."
"I think this is the unfortunate reality of engaging with artificially-cheap technology. Google's products are subsidized by ad revenue to some extent and as a result, they can offer a relatively advanced home control unit for less than $150. Companies exist to make money and nature abhors a vacuum; all untapped revenue streams will be captured eventually on a long enough timeline."
"Matt! This isn't your area of expertise per say but you have a unique perspective on the issue so:In the increasingly likely eventuality that autonomous vehicles will look and work far more like living rooms than cars, where does legal responsibility lie in the event of an accident? Who is the "driver"? Does it even make sense to continue to use that term as computers grow more capable of handling autonomous driving with zero oversight from passengers?"
"Because Core is now offering a discount to this website? There's nothing about mid-century modern furniture that makes it inherently more valuable as a category of furniture aside from current supply/demand trends."