Jacob Breinholt

New York, NY, USA


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  • "At our Catskills spot, we freeze all of the non-compostable food trash in order not to attract bears. A product like this would actually be awesome alternative to having the freezer jammed full of gross stuff."
    on: Yea or Nay? A Garbage Can That Freezes Your Trash
  • "Interesting concept. I hate to be a nay sayer, but what is to prevent the kids from disposing of their waste elsewhere (like stashing it in the bathroom) in order to avoid spending any Ren at all? Maybe the kids in Toronto are more compliant/community minded. I can almost guaranty this program would not fly in NYC."
    on: Throwise
  • "The seat is not necessarily stolen. I used to take mine (along with the front wheel) into the office with me. I would lock the the bike to the rack through the rear wheel and frame. My guess regarding the purpose of the bottle is as you suggested, to keep it dry."
    on: Urban Design Observations: What's Up With This Bike Lock?
  • "Ostensibly they don't lift things very high with this thing. The whole point of having the see-through canopy is so that you can see what you are doing when the forks are 15-20 feet in the air."
    on: Urban Design Observations: DIY Forklift Rain Roof
  • "Those sneakers are awesome."
    on: Steven M. Johnson's Bizarre Invention #187: Foot-Based Steering for Cars
  • "This is actually pretty slick."
    on: This Mobile Home Carries a Side-Deploying Sports Car So You Can Continue to Flee Your Troubles
  • "I used to get in so much trouble for snowboarding on the trampoline as a kid. Haha"
    on: How Snowboard Halfpipes are Made
  • "I upgraded w/o using iTunes and had no issues. TBH, I barely notice the difference from 9, aside from the notifications. The subtle aesthetic changes are kind of nice, and add to the look/feel of the UX in my opinion. I can't comment on Siri or Maps since I never use either of them (I'm a Google maps loyalist).  I was a bit annoyed at having to click the home button to open the phone after unlocking. But that was a pretty easy setting to change back. One additional check mark in the 'cons' column is that my battery life doesn't seem to go as far on the new iOS. Or that could just be the built in subliminal messaging telling me to buy the new model."
    on: If You Upgraded: What Do You Think of iOS 10?
  • "I have seen some delivery guys tape the frame to keep the lock chain from chipping away all of the paint while they ride around. But that wouldn't explain all of what's going on here."
    on: Today's Urban Design Observation: Hacking Cold- and Wet-Weather UX Improvements Onto a Bicycle
  • "I agree with all of these points. Current earbuds are constantly falling out of my ears. Without the cable, I would have undoubtedly lost them several times over. Another concern that I have relating to the new iPhone UX is: for those who opt out of the airpods and stick to the traditional cabled headphones, how is one expected to be able to charge the phone while the headphones are occupying the lightning jack? Splitter?"
    on: Apple's AirPods: Will the UX be Good or Bad?
  • "Looks like a great cable for locking bikes to chain link fences. Hehe"
    on: Yea Or Nay? A Textile Bike Lock
  • "Using these things when a car is parked on the street is understandable (esp when people tend to park by braille if they don't have a nice car). But when I see a nice car driving around with these things hanging off of them, I think it is a bit ridic. Having some scratches on the bumper looks better than driving around with these ugly things flapping around. The most egregious example I have seen, to date, is an Aston Martin Vanquish driving around Greenpoint with one of those huge rubber boat dock bumpers hanging out of the trunk. C'mon, man!"
    on: Today's Urban Design Observation: Absurd Bumper Protection
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