"The answer is WILDER THAN YOU THINK: https://twitter.com/info_neighbor/status/1159752661375131648 The flush lid with the valve isn't a flush lid at all -- it's a cover that fits over the whole thing like a bell. "
"Thanks for the acknowledgement, Rain! It actually took me a bit of digging to verify the table. Thank you, google. :)(also I'm married, so technically, it's Mrs., but I'm ok with Ms.!)"
"The Ebbe Gehl tables are a nice lower-cost version, but these tables are definitely the Barber & Osgerby Home Tables. DesignOffice, who consulted for Mud Australia's retail spaces list the Home Tables on their portfolio page for the Melbourne retail space (see here: http://designoffice.com.au/portfolio/mud-australia-melbourne/)I like the Ebbe Gehl tables, though! I like that the apron is broken up into sections, but I prefer the proportions of the apron vs tabletop on the Barber & Osgerby tables. "