"Those interested in this topic may also like the story I wrote in the January 2018 Plastics Engineering magazine (see http://bit.ly/Kinetic_story ), quoting Jim Topich and Tony Guard from Kinetic Vision in Cincinnati on how VR and AR are speeding product development. That article is based on the presentation they jointly gave at the SPE Design in Plastics 2017 conference I organized at CCS in Detroit. "
"Thanks for this insightful post, Rain. This is exactly why we are organizing the 5th annual Plasticity Forum (www.plasticityforum.com) in Shanghai on April 27-28. It's "a big conversation about the future of plastic" -- a material that is too valuable to waste, and yet is wasted by tons daily. The second day of the event will be a design workshop, held in conjunction with Shanghai-based CBi China Bridge and its nonprofit sister, Successful Design Organization, looking at design and sustainability issues. We want to keep this dialogue going, and find scalable solutions to the types of waste problems you cite above. "