Dan Lehman

graphic designer, QRS
Boulder, CO, USA


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  • "I don't think the sleeping bag is a great example — a high quality sleeping bag is worth every penny because it will be durable, 100% functional, and won't ever be obsolete.Also, there are plenty of people (like me) who, due to sitting in front of a computer all day, don't actually use a phone all that frequently.I think Rain was approaching this from the standpoint of return on investment. Of all the conveniences you mentioned (of owning a smart phone), none are specific to only iPhones. The market proves that these conveniences, when combined in the form factor of a phone, do not in fact cost $1,000. I also definitely agree that for $1,000, an iPhone should be virtually indestructible for everyday use."
    on: Why I'm Not Buying the iPhone X
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