Nicholas Prato

Senior Engineer
Milwaukee, WI, USA


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  • "This is awesome!"
    on: Student's Contraption Kinetically Illustrates Pythagorean Theorem
  • "...but I guess that method for draining the ice to put more in is pretty BA."
    on: A Dual-Chamber, Dual-Dispensing Beverage Cooler Design
  • "Agreed. In the video, you can see that it says "Water" and "Beverage" above the buttons as raised text in the mold. While that should be enough, it rarely is. It's also in an area that's recessed that isn't likely to have much light hitting it. Plus, the user might even have to crouch to read it. I could think of at least one alternative design - but it would likely make the mold/die prohibitively expensive. Although, I don't see why the center liquid HAS to be the water section - as it's labeled.Personally, I'm a fan of glaringly obvious colors and icons so that most people will understand regardless of age/language."
    on: A Dual-Chamber, Dual-Dispensing Beverage Cooler Design
  • "That'd definitely be neat. I have been putting a small block (cardboard, wood, etc.) behind the tray so that it can't slide to the back; no glue or Velcro required!"
    on: 14 Ways to Organize the Kitchen Silverware Drawer
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