Patricia Muñoz

Industrial Designer


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  • "A few years ago, a friend of my daughter died, 17 years old, because he was on his bike and was hit by a car and wasn´t wearing a helmet. He was riding in a bike lane, but in the crossing the car hit him and his head hit the edge of the sidewalk. He was in the hospital almost for a week.  If it is comfortable or uncomfortable is not relevant.  "
    on: The Argument for How Getting Rid of Bike Helmets Actually Saves Lives
  • "Hello, we have been working with flexibilization of rigid sheets through laser cutting, with the shape and the density of the cutting pattern to get the flexibility you need, and how you can create new shapes using this. We have two publications (in spanish). One of them can be downloaded for free here you can see some of our works. We have been working with our students of Morphology in Industrial design for the last 5 years. Hope you enjoy this."
    on: Adventures in Laser Kerf Bending
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