mike a

Arizona, USA


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  • "like the kid and play, where you touch both feet. interlock them and jump around on one foot to switch places. "
    on: Best Virus-Free, No-Contact Handshake Alternatives
  • "2nd idea.  in your garage or entryway. make a "sanitation station" out of a cardboard box without a lid.  (the virus only last on cardboard for a day).   Put everything that came in from the outside (groceries, keys, wallet, anything) in that box on your arrival, and spray down with whatever cleaning spray you have, or wipe down with sanitizing wipes, or dip anything that can survive getting wet, in a nearby sanitizer bucket filled with 1/3 cup bleach and 1 gallon water, and let air dry inside the box.  this will allow you to keep the outside germs outside.  The can of corn you bought from the store could have been coughed on by someone an hour before you bought it, and the virus could survive in your cupboard for 17 days. "
    on: 3 Things to Always Carry When Venturing Out for Supplies During Lockdown: Gloves, Stylus, Pen
  • "that's some kosher-sized salt there.  "
    on: Surprise: The Space Force Logo is Not a Rip-Off of the Star Trek Logo
  • "this reminds me of those hilariously specific Halloween costumes. "
    on: As Plastic Bag Ban Hits Thailand, Consumers Adapt With Variety of Household Carrying Items
  • "Looking at pictures of Chinese people at airports wearing gallon water jugs over their heads leads me to think that this will probably catch on over there.  And after a while, will probably lead to casino-level air filtration in airplanes. If you handle it. then you're getting the virus on your hands from the surface. Hands can be washed. If you're breathing in someone else's sneeze, you're basically doomed."
    on: Wearing Personal Tents on Airplanes to Avoid Coronavirus?
  • "I learned this from a hospital worker friend.  Set a hamper near your front door, with a plastic trash bag in  it.  As you enter your house. strip down and put your dirty "outside clothes" in there.  Head to shower and after, get dressed in your "inside clothes".  Make sure to leave your shoes outside or inside the front door on a special mat, or inside a box where you can step in, take them off, and leave the shoes inside the box.  then at the end of the week make sure to take the plastic bag to your washer and dump the contents in without touching the clothes.  Wash in warm or hot if you can.  "
    on: 3 Things to Always Carry When Venturing Out for Supplies During Lockdown: Gloves, Stylus, Pen
  • "I smell socialism in this post.  and it reminds me of the plastic straw alarmism that we have already disregarded as pointless. Unless you're living in California. "
    on: Cars Must Go
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