"30 years ago I worked for a small job carpenter building car-ports & pergolas etc. He always used to build the roof first - often a fairly flat structure. Given the size of the jobs - and often without roof cladding, we could lift them by hand and hold up using wooden beams as props. The legs would then be attached and hang into holes (that I dug) which could be filled with concrete.I haven't seen any other builders use the technique but it was very effective for a small team and for small jobs."
"See also <<ttp://www.carbonrev.com/>> who recently started large scale production.Their technique is extensible to any shape but they focus on high performance car wheels since that is where they saw the greatest market.The web-site is a little light on details because the actual method is proprietary. They talk about 3D design and modelling, then laying out the fibre in the correct positions before infusing with resin. Which sounds somewhat like the above."