"(correct version of comment)I am quite disappointed by what is mentioned. But I am also slightly perplexed about what is not mentioned, which is, from what I can see at least, the design this object was probably "inspired" to: the 1988 "On/off" lamp by Luceplan, designed by Santachiara, Meda and Raggi. As this article complains about unfair copies, it seems to me correct... render unto Caesar what is Caesar's. Please see: http://www.luceplan.com/Prodotti/1/2/114/t/84/OnOffhttp://illuminazione.webmobili.it/p-21990-on_off-luceplan-lampade_da_tavolo-.html"
"I am quithttp://illuminazione.webmobili.it/p-21990-on_off-luceplan-lampade_da_tavolo-.html http://illuminazione.webmobili.it/p-21990-on_off-luceplan-lampade_da_tavolo-.html e disappointed by what is mentioned. But I am also slightly perplexed about what is not mentioned, which is, from what I can see at least, the design this object was probably "inspired" to: the 1988 "On/off" lamp by Luceplan, designed by Santachiara, Meda and Raggi. As this article complains about unfair copies, it seems to me correct... render unto Caesar what is Caesar's. Please see: http://www.luceplan.com/Prodotti/1/2/114/t/84/OnOffhttp://illuminazione.webmobili.it/p-21990-on_off-luceplan-lampade_da_tavolo-.html"
"The story is actually disappointing, nothing to say. But I must point out another disappointing fact: no one cited a much older design that, probably, was "inspiring" this new one. I refer to the 1988 "on/off" lamp by Denis Santachiara, Alberto Mada and Franco Raggi, produced by Luceplan...just to be fair."