Eric Beatty

Sr. Mechanical Designer
Kent, WA, USA


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  • "Welcome to Core 77 Joel!  I used to shop in your store when it was located in Manhattan - whenever my family was in the city visiting my in-laws, I would look forward to getting away and escaping for a couple of hours to browse your offerings.  I also had the great pleasure of getting to tour the John Townsend furniture exhibit at the Metropolitan Art Museum in the summer of 2005 with you and Adam Cherubini.  I had just entered the exhibit when I saw the two of you examining the brass work on one of the pieces on display.  I recognized you right away and screwed up the courage to introduce myself.  You, in turn, introduced me to Adam Cherubini and invited me to tour the rest of the exhibit with you. I can't tell you how flattered I was and I really learned a lot from your observations and remarks that day.  Thanks again!"
    on: Tools & Craft #1: Is Craft Relevant?
  • "Can you use longer Starrett combo square rules with this wider head?"
    on: The LaSquare: A Large And Luscious... Combo Square! 
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