"Excellent video Michael! I particularly like the strong contrast you add with the heavy line weight. This is something my students find difficult as well. Are you posting a whole series of videos? Here's my suggestion: I'd like to see how you add figures to your product sketches to help explain the scenario. Thanks and keep it up!"
"Great article! As a design sketching teacher I also distinguish two sketching mind-sets based on 'purpose of output': exploratory sketching and communicative sketching. I fully agree with the value of sketching as a tool for 'appositional reasoning' in conceptual design, but I would like to go a step further and argue that conceptual thinking is not limited to a specific phase in the design process. In my experience as a designer I use both low- and high fidelity sketches throughout the whole process and find myself developing concepts at every stage of the design. The only difference is the level of abstracion of the subject that will often shift from scenario based sketches to more concrete sketches of objects and interfaces to an exploration of design and engineering details. I think it is important to recognize this fact and emphasize the value of sketching at all stages of the design process. Too often I see designers (and students) further develop their initial concept in CAD only. In my experience a crossover workflow of using 3D development and (digital) sketching offers a much richer, faster and practical approach and will lead to better solutions. I believe it is our duty as ID-teachers to help students gain this insight through experience and support them in the development of the right mind-set and the appropriate tools. Thanks for sharing your insights!"
"I wish I was there in Costa Rica. Looks like a lot of fun and inspiration! The 'Sketching to learn' approach realy resonates with my own approach in design sketching. Maybe we can team up one day :) If not physically maybe I could help out via our brand new sketching platform Sketchdrive! Check it out here: http://bit.ly/1LJ8k2s Love to hear your respons! -Martijn"