Danny Culpepper

Anderson, SC, USA

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  • "I was super lucky to live in Gracia for three months last year. The way the city streets are organized makes a huge difference in the culture that is created within each area. Many areas are overrun by the tourism industry and they are displacing the Catalan and Spanish community. The car argument is valid, however, it is very similar to owning a car in NYC. Most times you don't really need one if you live and work in the city. And if you get a job outside of the city, you move out (rent is usually cheaper outside the city anyways).The best part about this is big cities can rebuild a stronger social culture. Many big cities can leave its inhabitants feeling alone even though they are surrounded by masses of people. The coolest thing I saw was the picture above. On Sundays, they barricade the streets, pull out tables, and invite everyone down to eat some paella, crack open a couple Estrellas, and really get to know the people around you. I believe this is why the culture in Barcelona is still strong and growing, and I think we can learn a lot from them."
    on: Barcelona's "Superblocks" Plan: Less Cars, More Bikes, Better Social Spaces
  • "This is awesome. Thanks for sharing."
    on: The Herman Miller Clock You Don't Know
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