Brendan Burke

Brand Architect, THE FNDTN
New York, NY, USA


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  • " Perhaps one consideration would have been to increase the radii of the window, and scale down if not skip the branding labeling option below. It creates too much of a guessing game for the user, and it’s not a practical consideration for everyday use.   I’ve seen this system on the Bureau Belfast, and in fairness, their footwear assortment is exceptional, as is their customer service in store and online. If somebody is investing in an expensive pair of bench made shoes, they’re probably going to want to store them in a premium storage unit. Unfortunately, in this case the higher perceived value was created in part by a high MSRP, not the quality of craftsmanship. TURMS does have some really nice accessories kits though   This is a luxury item in a commoditized category.  The real question is how do you store your shoes and why?"
    on: A Luxury Shoe Storage System—With Some Puzzling Craftsmanship Issues
  • "Great review! There are some definite craftsmanship and merchant photography issues for a stack system at this price point. I'm not entirely sold on the small window on the drop-front. Does anybody else think it limits the view of the actual shoe collection? I'm assuming a set up of this magnitude isn't for the average pair of shoes, so why not allow for a better way to showcase the actual shoes?!"
    on: A Luxury Shoe Storage System—With Some Puzzling Craftsmanship Issues
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