"So every study I can find attributes a smoking prevalence of around 10% to Sweden. The figures in this article seem to be made up, and no source is given."
"Yea, sidewalks, parks, beaches, every public place littered with cigarette butts; being forced to inhale disgusting smoke whenever waiting for a bus or tram. Not cool."
"Apple ear buds are in ear and yet they are super annoying for anyone else traveling in the same train cart as the person using them. Makes it hard to imagine these don't leak sound."
"instead, main reason #3 for torx applies: It's a good-looking screw head that functions wonderfully, and for that reason, appears to be the new standard anyway."
"Wait ... what? You're saying you don't need a CDL to drive this thing in the US? That's crazy. In Europe you certainly need a CDL (equivalent) for a 26 metric tons vehicle."
"Yay another open ear plug design that will pollute train compartments with annoying noise affecting everyone but the one person who actually gets the music out of them."
""If I said, 150mm, they'd get out a ruler and look." uhm, I'm from a metric country and I can't relate. Must have been the people you were working with I guess."
"The gyroscope-stabilized monorail train has actually existed before. In principle that can work out. There are plenty of videos about it on youtube. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyro_monorail"