"I have had many of the same thoughts, so I developed my own line of CNC furniture and lighting that avoids the inelegant and boring pitfalls of most "maker" CNC furniture. It's dynamic, succinct, and uses the inherent tension of the material for it's structure: http://www.kem3d.com/breakplane/. Some of my first pieces were covered on Core 77 in 2009 as well: http://www.core77.com/posts/13982/andy-kems-cncd-plywood-furniture-13982"
"I share many of the same thoughts, so I developed these pieces that are dynamic, functional, and they avoid the boring pitfalls of right angles and flat planes of most "maker" CNC furniture. http://www.kem3d.com/breakplane/. It was even covered here in 2009 http://www.core77.com/posts/13982/andy-kems-cncd-plywood-furniture-13982"