Andrew Scott

Head of Studies
Brisbane QLD, Australia


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  • "Great name with a fitting resemblance to its fictional predecessor. HMS Thunder Child was a torpedo ram ironclad in HG Wells’ ‘War of the Worlds’."
    on: Safehaven Marine's Bad-Ass Rescue/Military Boat is Uncapsizable, Fast and Lethal
  • "Seems like it would be easy to execute this on a smartwatch, i.e. as an Apple Watch face."
    on: An Interesting UX Design Departure for Mechanical Wristwatches
  • "In most places in Australia during the warmer 6–9 months of the year there is nowhere outside the fridge that you can leave a tub of butter and not have it turn into a liquid. I own a couple of ButterUps and they work so well I can now use butter instead of margarine."
    on: Brilliant Butter Knife Re-design
  • "The Late Iain M Banks’ Culture novels are terrific but his orbitals are scaled down versions of the massive habitat featured in Larry Niven’s 1970 ‘Ringworld’. Niven's ringworld is a ribbon that circles a star with a land surface equivalent to millions of Earths. Colin Kapp’s 1982 ‘Cageworld’ quadrilogy scales this up even more with concentric Dyson spheres the diametre of the orbit of each planet in our solar system. Mind blowing."
    on: Space Colony Form Factors, Part 3: The Stanford Torus and Beyond
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