Victor Lombardi

New York, NY, USA


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  • ""Yelchin was found crushed between his car, a 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee, and the security gate at the end of his driveway."This makes it sound like there were two cars and a gate involved. Consider instead the simpler and more clear:"Yelchin was found crushed between his 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee and the security gate at the end of his driveway.""
    on: When Bad UI Design Kills: Is Poor Shift Lever Design to Blame for Death of Star Trek Actor?
  • "Great article and a noble effort. I'm looking forward to seeing the product.It's surprising that three RISD grads need to lean on a design kit in order to be user-centered. Having taught at two design schools I shouldn't be shocked by that sort of curriculum and culture, but I still am. "
    on: Creating an IKEA Alternative in America
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