Tony Ruth




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  • "Hi Lucas -- Having watched Craig work a number of times, I have to say the coolest thing is how he often does an initial "objective capture" of everything that's being said, without a ton of hierarchy, and then goes back over it later to emphasize the ideas that have become prominent over the course of the presentation/ideation/discussion. This is where the "styling" comes in---adding heavier lines, darker colors, fills, and vignettes to pop the bigger ideas off the page, so that at a cursory glance the viewer will see the important information first, and be able to dig through the smaller, surrounding ideas as a secondary understanding of the content."
    on: Sketchnotes 101: Visual Thinking
  • "I went there, wrote down what I saw, and drew it. There is nothing in here that I didn't see happening. Certainly I'm selecting what to represent and how to categorize it. But this is an event with 80% male attendance that features women in miniskirts draped over muscle cars. I'm surprised that the sexism there is apparently mine. As for not funny---I agree completely. It's bunk."
    on: Core-Toons: Field Notes on the 2010 Chicago Auto Show
  • "hobie swan, i'm putting you in charge of "serious cartoons"."
    on: Core-Toons: MindMapping
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