Tim Brown

Техас, США


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  • "Really cool hook idea, wonder why noone designs one like those in our days(probably no need for it, but still would be interesting to see how effective it is). I've only recently got into fishing and have been reading all of the articles on fishing gear like https://www.kstatecollegian.com/2022/04/20/must-have-fishing-gear-guide/ and a few others, hence how I ended up here looking at this bizzare hook!)"
    on: Brilliantly-Designed Inuit Fish Hook That Allows the Halibut Population to Replenish Itself
  • "Wonder if civilians ever going to get something similar to those available or we are going to be stuck with thermal/ light amp just like now. Pretty cool system thought that's for sure(found this page 'cause been looking for a decent binoculars option, might go for spotting scope though : https://influencedigest.com/other/spotting-scopes-better-binoculars/ since some articles like this one really making me doubt myself :D )"
    on: Army's Night Vision Upgrade Yields Incredible "Tron"-like Visuals
  • "Just shows how much value you can get out of just plain survival knife if in dire situation: they didn't invent some sophisticated device, instead going with a route of "simple = better". I really like that they thought about possibility of Mercury team crushing in some remote desert of forest( reading about those scenarios are always fascinating, good example being your usual guides on survival in desert like http://drifttravel.com/how-to-survive-in-the-desert-2023-guide/ and other similar stuff. Rather have something in the back of your mind than be completely unprepared after all!)"
    on: The Survival Knife That Mercury Astronauts Flew With in the 1960s
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