Sam Ley

Boulder, CO, USA


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  • "I think things like this are a special category of bad design - it tries to solve so many problems that aren't really problems, and then at the same time creates a whole new constellation of problems you never had before.The ads always show someone popping their phone open, immediately doing something, and then putting it away. They never show the app updating, needing to be logged back in, iOS bugging you for an update, etc. Even my Nest has some annoying app issue every 5th time I use it or so. If every device you own has the same frequency of issues, you basically get to the point where you can't do anything in your home correctly the first time.In kitchen appliances, especially if you look to what is designed for professional kitchens, the goal is simplicity. A microwave only needs two buttons - +30 seconds/start and stop. A toaster oven needs timer, temp, and maybe convection on/off. Ovens do not need "Chicken Nuggets" preset buttons, and you don't need a IoT enabled toaster.I'm a digital native, and great lover of technology, but I think that we'll come to see this proliferation of IoT devices in the same way we now see the use of radioactive materials in everyday objects in the 50s - a very useful and powerful technology that has revolutionized many fields of medicine and science, but that we look back and think, "Oh man, we were crazy to put that radioactive stuff in everything.""
    on: Will June the Intelligent Oven Ease Stress in the Kitchen?
  • "Will it come with the ability to inadvertently destroy the internet like most IoT devices?"
    on: Ding Hopes to Solve the Modern Problem of Traditional Doorbells
  • "The small portable units look handy, but be very cautious about their claims on the larger units. That type of interconnection to the grid is illegal just about everywhere in the world right now (and changes to grid regulation is measured in decades, not months). I'm starting to see a lot of slick little Kickstarter energy projects touting "grid tie through the outlet", and they just won't be able to deliver on that promise.Take a look at the KS comments - there is one in there from Mike Bergey who is a literal pioneer in wind turbine design (though he is very modest in his post). The majority of turbines under 10kW in the world are Bergey turbines, and his thoughts and concerns about the design are important to note."
    on: Lightweight, Plug-and-Play Portable Wind Turbines are Coming
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