scott gerard

Wayne County, MI, USA

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  • "When you purchase safety equipment and keep it in plain sight, you know exactly what it is and where it is located.  Red extinguishers are so ugly, you hide them. "Out of sight, out of mind".  How many people have a kitchen fire and need to react instantly to only find out the old red extinguisher tucked under the kitchen sink lost its pressure years ago...  Great! I bought a beautiful fire extinguisher from, the Whisky one.  I love it!  I see it every day. The pressure is good.  I know it.  It sits next to my stove.  I am not saying a "guest in my house who cooks when I'm not there and start a fire and does not know the Whisky extinguisher is an extinguisher and my house burns down because of it" is not a valid reason to have a red extinguisher.  I'll take the risk :)"
    on: Yea or Nay? Non-Red, "Stylish" Fire Extinguishers from Japan
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