Covers 300 designers and goes way beyond furniture
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"Something tells me "more expensive to produce" has more to do with proprietary patents than manufacturing complexity. Which is going to swiftly change if they're using the same mechanisms all single lift shaft helicopters have used for a century."
"As a kid I played with some original Lincoln Logs that had been made out of redwood. It's light weight feeling without the flimsiness of balsa. Very interesting wood."
"A small air compressor will pay for itself in ease of use over any manual bike pump. Turn on, set to pressure, connect, fill tire nearly instantly, done. I spend more time pulling out and re-hanging the hose. Obviously not something you can sling under the top tube, but for home use I'd never go back at this point."
"There may not be a structural header if the ceiling and its members are high enough, in which case it's just a matter of making a weird shaped door and frame. Still a very odd solution to a problem that *could* be solved by turning the whiteboard at an angle, and maybe taking the door off its hinges.Or just using a smaller whiteboard."
"Like a Honda Civic with a fake spoiler and plastic chrome hubcaps, except instead of a kid with a pizza delivery job, it's a middle manager having a mid life crisis."
"This is a joke right? Half the shots are of someone holding the workpiece ***being welded or cut*** with their bare hands, zero guards anywhere (the main danger of laser usage is deflection at the surface), etc.Once again:"
""Natural Linoleum: A naturally durable surface made from bio-based materials, offering wear resistance, antistatic properties, and a matte finish that minimizes fingerprints while maintaining a refined aesthetic." Just say plastic, this is taking forever."
"I wish it was easier to purchase institutional units at retail scale, period. It's frustrating that furniture and other household goods are either luxury grade and priced accordingly and often "exclusive to the trade", or low end Lowes/Home Depot consumer kit with, imo, fraudulent "professional/industrial/etc" branding."