Product Design Manager, Brookstone Merrimack, NH, USA
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"I like it, but it's not clear which button releases which liquid. If the inner cylinder were blue, and the button to release the liquid matched it would help (although only for the person who filled it unless the lid is clear)."
"I like the idea and I hope you get funded, but I think the video is putting potential backers off. I was 57 secs into the video and I hadn't been told what the product was yet, or even seen it being used. Way too much gimmicky editing. You've got a cool product, let it speak for itself!IMHO, just simplify the whole video, then hit the blogs (tech, cooking, man cave, etc...) all day long for a few weeks to drive some traffic to your Kickstarter."
"I agree, it's very frustrating.Most of Apple's products that need cases have conic corners yet their drawings are all straight line splines when you zoom in.It makes getting a really good fit the first time a learning experience for sure!"