"It does nothing to eradicate the logical fallacies that lead to this behavior, the most important of which is confirmation bias. But the person designing this probably that there are easy answers and that fake news is anything that does not readily embrace these easy answers. Therefor a little reflection is all that is needed for people to error of their ways."
"Wonder how they manage to fly with all those birds in the air? The birds that pose a threat to aviation are generally mush larger than drones. I bet there were news helicopters that took the "risk". Those same news copters probably pose a much bigger threat. but drones are new, be afraid, wait till government tells you they safe and has common sense regulation to make sure everyone is safe. Never let a serious crisis go to waste, use it to increase government power."
"that is nothing, my dog learned how to do that with his neighbor buddy. The dog would come over and they would open the door and go out and play. The door wasn't locked and it had lever handles like in the video, but it was still pretty impressive. I am sure the first time it happened it was by chance but after that, if the door was not locked - they were outside playing (or worse inside) in seconds."