Paul Goad


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  • "I have owned a 3D Printer for over 6 years and have been building 3D Models for the past 25 years. There is a lot of merit to a machine such as this.Here are my points:- The reason why this device can be priced at $99 is that there are essential 7 main components to this machine and only 1 motor. Most of the power of this device is driven by the phone and is communicated through simple and cheap 20 khz audio on the phone. They have even reduced cost in the power supply by using batteries. Despite what you are hearing, I believe this device can be made cheaply.- Don't worry about having your phone tied up for hours. Most of us who own 3d printers have them running overnight anyway. Why would you want to sit and stare at a 3d printer for hours on end waiting for your model. print it overnight when you are sleeping. A perfect use for your phone.- Resins are the future of 3D Printing. Resins are only getting better, less toxic and with more variations in material and these types of printers are only getting faster. FDM style printers have "peaked" and you are not going to see much improvement.- It is going to be this type of printer that will make it into regular houses. It does not take up much space and is very easy to use.-The biggest hurdle that this company is going to face is generating a community of users that share their models through the OLO App. MAking it virtually brainless to find and print 3D Models."
    on: The $99 3D Printer: a Pioneering Product or Design Misstep?
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