Nick Turner

Texas, USA


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  • "I have a few issues with the stating he developed anything code-like. He was an IT director therefore he didn't develop any code, so him working out the bugs of the system was a brilliant code monkey doing this work and Bloomberg taking credit for him. Integrity, Subtract 5His design was horrible and Jobs already had the first version of the Mac out, Xerox had Windows. It was bulky, poorly designed, and lacked ingenuity and looks like he was trying to ripoff Xerox. Maybe he should have looked at Commodore out the same year. Then he spends $4 million to design a horrible interface that is light years behind Steve Jobs.The Mac statement is misleading. 1 the Mac was out in 81 in small circles and you can bet he had access to one of these. The Xerox was already out and the Apple II I think was a year or 2 before that. And he comes up with some crappy design? I see it as a complete failure. Intelligence, Subtract 3.How did he make his money? He working as an IT Director position and had $10 million. So he used half to create a poorly design dumb terminal. He already worked in the Financial sector, so he already had a way to market.I fail to understand what he has done thats somewhat talented, and and I guess it's hard to take care of your family with only $10 million in the bank when layid off. Times are hard...He is a complete failure compared to Steve Jobs in my opinion."
    on: Bloomberg is a Billionaire Because He Backed Good Design
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