"Isn't it just this without the adhesive: https://www.3m.com/3M/en_US/company-us/all-3m-products/~/3M-Polyurethane-Protective-Tape-8672?N=5002385+3292668424&rt=rud"
"Some info on North-west coast bentwood boxes: a modern description - http://www.makingchoices.info/interests/working-with-wood/bent-boxes.html old school (the skill of this traditional carver is amazing) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=astU3VQwWx0"
"http://fineartamerica.com/featured/sawdust-burner-robert-rodvik.html Actually the traditional way to dispose of saw dust at mills is to burn it, which is much worse. This is an photo of an old saw dust burner of the type that were once part of every mill."
"There is one huge difference between the Chinese and "western" treadles. On the Chinese lathe shown the shaft turns alternately one direction then the other. This means that the bowl maker can only cut half the time, (when the shaft is turning against the gouge. With the western lathe the treadle is attached to a fly wheel by an arm so that the shaft always turns one direction. The is also more momentum stored in the fly wheel."
"https://www.google.ca/search?q=kneeling+chair&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi5vfWVioXLAhUGxWMKHd0CBqwQsAQIRQ&biw=1609&bih=914 These were big in the 70's. I had one. The trouble is that they put a lot of pressure on your knees. I had to stop using it.Google has a lot of examples, not all of which look like hospital furniture."
"I agree with your assessment. They indeed, "photographed them in a studio setting, presenting them to you in object-fetish style." Very much the same way that these guys do: http://www.handeyesupply.com/collections/tools/products/elementary-design-no-1-and-no-2-screwdriver-set-with-interchangeable-bits"