"Very similar to the IKEA version of this. But better looking I must say ;)https://www.ikea.com/se/sv/catalog/products/00331627/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAwc7jBRD8ARIsAKSUBHJbcsZVL5wdPTa4ttHcg-uiBUXFekKbpG368prgOC7THHpqEI7uJioaAqlQEALw_wcB&ef_id=Cj0KCQiAwc7jBRD8ARIsAKSUBHJbcsZVL5wdPTa4ttHcg-uiBUXFekKbpG368prgOC7THHpqEI7uJioaAqlQEALw_wcB:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!817!3!106688751509!!!g!162425070029!?cid=a1:ps|a2:se|a3:pla_medium|a4:|a5:|a6:google|a9:rtc|cc:915 "
"Agree. Almost identical except that this chair lacks a few of the HÅG Capisco features such as a place to rest your feet on top of the wheels. To call this innovation is a stretch and to call it unique is just BS... "
"the miss match patterns doesn't really matter for socks like this. Socks are knitted on fully automatic knitting machines. As the color of the yarn is the same for all combinations it's just a matter of setting up a different knitting program. but the sock factories I've seen often have hundreds of knitting machines so the probably just set up one machine for each pattern and the make the combinations manually when packaging..."