"Maybe it's just me being spectacularly thick ... but I end this article with one question: "How?". Most of the statements made sound interesting in concept, but unless I'm missing something really obvious, there's little or no substance on how "scaleable design" changes the practicalities of making content appear on the web. Algorithms shaping design based on content - fine (and The Grid is an exciting new idea that I look forward to seeing more on). But above and beyond that technology solution ... what are the nuts and bolts of how this is supposed to alter our present way of acting? Each of the five elements of this article are splendid Manifesto-style statements, but ... how?Random ecample: "At it's heart, scalable design is an invitation for more people to get involved and make meaningful contributions no matter their technical aptitude. It allows people who were once hindered by the "what" and "how" of design to shape the "why" by promoting individual contributions on their merit and strength. As a vehicle for communication that provides clarity and focus to the work from the people who make the biggest impact. They translate process, production, and intention into an understandable, accessible format." .... how?Am I being hindered by the how?"