"I didn't like any published round house plan when we built our round house. Instead, we designed our own house with a hall between a center row of rooms and a northern set of bedrooms with one bath. The other bathroom is in the center row. The house is a joy to live in, particularly because of the dramatic living room looking out over our woods. The kitchen is a curve on the outside wall with a straight pantry and one straight passthrough between the kitchen and dining room. My wife once said "It is the best kitchen going"."
"I have lived in a round house since November, 1987. We--my wife and I--designed it, built it, and furnished it. We also did the landscaping. I may know more, personally, about building one's own round house than 99.9 percent of home owners. Some random comments: We designed a one story, 2550 square foot, house that cantilevers out over a round concrete foundations. Those who say that round houses are less space efficient are correct. If that is your primary, or only, concern, don't build a round house. But if your goal is the maximum personal house satisfaction per dollar, then a round house might be right for you. I've written a small book for my own enjoyment on designing and building the round house. "