Maria Sudermann


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  • "In Germany a lot of people use these, because they are just convenient. Since public transport is so good, not many people have/use their cars on a daily basis and a supermarket is usually not very far, but still far enough that hauling lots of bags would be a pain. The reason why chinese grandmas use these might be not because they shop for a big family, but because they shop less frequently. As does my grandfather e.g. He only shops once in a week or two and often has a cart like this with him."
    on: Today's Urban Design Observation: Asian Grandmother Cart Parking
  • "That's really interesting! Could it be that I can't fall asleep, when my boyfriend travels and I am alone, because my mind thinks it has to be on guard?.."
    on: Researchers Find Evolutionary Explanation for Why You Can't Fall Asleep While Everyone Else is Snoozing
  • "This looks very similar to what in Germany is called "Seniorenhandy" - a cell phone for seniors, with big buttons, high-contrast two-colour display and really loud ringtones without any functions of a smartphone. They cost usually around 30€ and are a blessing for grandmas and grandpas who want to stay in touch or those who just need a phone without all the whistles."
    on: Punkt's Retro-Function MP 01 Cell Phone
  • "It is a good story, but design seems a bit without thinking: This type of a toy is suited for toddlers (and maybe preschoolers), yet the size of individual pieces is too small to give the set to them. So... Who is this toy set for?? Designers who will appreciate the story and then just shuffle the box in some far corner?"
    on: How Swiss Type Designers Found Themselves Recreating a Soviet-Era Children’s Toy
  • "For worn clothes I have just a normal clothes rack with a hanging wardrobe (both cheapest things from IKEA). Looks somewhat like in this picture. But I do like the idea of having hooks for pants. It's actually easy to "customize" - just put kitchen S-hooks on your clothing rack and you are good to go! I'll have to try that out.."
    on: There is a Potentially Useful Piece of Furniture That Has Yet to Be Designed
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