"I think this might be a good solution for public bike racks (although it would need a locking feature). At about $400 it's probably too expensive for most people. I've just recently seen this rack:https://www.steadyrack.com/ It's a lot cheaper, it looks almost as easy to use, and it has the added feature of swiveling against the wall. I haven't tried it yet, so I can't say for sure..."
"Seems to me that it's a perfect storm of all three parties are to blame:1 - The car is equipped with LIDAR and should have seen her from at least 100 ft in any lighting conditions, yet there is no braking at all. This means there is a serious failure in the car somewhere and these should be taken off the road immediately.2 - The driver is clearly using their phone behind the wheel which is illegal in almost all areas now. 3 - The pedestrian is crossing so that she's in direct conflict with this oncoming car. I don't think it's wrong to cross with no crosswalk, but crossing when there's a car coming is terrible. The first 2 points really suggest Ubers autonomous cars are not ready to be on the road. If people tend to rely on them to a point they are not "
"I think the excess tape on the handlebar is mainly to protect the brake and shifter cables and probably also the thumb throttle. I imagine this delivery bike lives outside (like a lot do in NYC) and if it's not uncommon for the cables to get a little moisture in them and freeze. "
"That's brilliant, but I'm pretty sure you really only need the grooves and ridges across the drawer perp. to the direction the drawer moves. Would probably simplify that system greatly..."