Matt Stoddard

Display Artist
Miami, FL, USA


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  • "I definitely concede to your point, something digital can absolutely be a product. I just find the title of “product designer” in the digital realm to be needlessly derivative and opaque. It could simply be specified as “digital product design” and my field would no longer be drowning in unrelated job postings."
    on: A Product Designer's Hilarious "Unhinged" UI Design Features
  • "I’m just here to express my distinct displeasure that Core77 of all digital publications would use “Product Designer” to refer to a professional that does not, in fact, contribute to making physical goods"
    on: A Product Designer's Hilarious "Unhinged" UI Design Features
  • "I have to assume that the market for a $145 sustainably produced, locally sourced mirror is VERY DIFFERENT from the market for a sub-$40 mirror made from what is most likely MDF covered with inexpensive veneer sold in a multi-hundred-location clothing/lifestyle store. While it is unfortunate that their big distribution deal fell through, that is completely at the hands of their distributor."
    on: Why Design Piracy Affects a Lot More People than Just the Designers
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