Gerald Yungling

Alton, IL, USA


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  • "Pencil Chair: If you're like me, you never seem to remember to keep a pencil in your pocket to make sure you don't miss the chance to put a whole in your pants, or more importantly your leg, when you sit down.  With our new chair, you no longer have to worry about being unprepared.  You're sure to find a new hole or two every time you sit down.  "
    on: The Weekly Design Roast, #30
  • "Reading the Roast every Friday has become a highlight of my week.  Thanks, Rain."
    on: The Weekly Design Roast, #22
  • "I've been a fan of Shannon Rogers ever since he became the third wheel on Wood Talk.  I've watched his videos and now listen to (queue the doowop) to his Lumber Industry Update.  I can't believe I am only now finding him on Core 77.  And although I have never met him and cant say that I really know him, I do feel confident in saying that Nathan's comments below strike me as unfair and maybe even misguided.  I found the article both educational and entertaining.  But let's keep things in perspective: we're talking his personal opinions on hand tools.  Of course all this was two years ago, on a niche subject on a niche website, so..."
    on: Hand Tool School #39: Useful Tool Features vs. Gimmicks
  • "David, I am interested in discussing but not debating.  I prefer civility over sarcasm.  But thanks again for the response."
    on: A Great Example of Better Data Visualization: This Voting Map GIF
  • "David, thanks for responding.  I am not sure how either of your points refute mine, however, the fact that you're in Chicago and I'm in Southern Illinois seems to reflect our respective positions well.  "
    on: A Great Example of Better Data Visualization: This Voting Map GIF
  • "That's great, except your whole premise "Land doesn't vote. People do." is flawed.  One of the original reasons for having a bicameral house is that people vote through the House of Representatives and states or other smaller geographical based communities (analogous to land) votes through the Senate.  And although the 17th Amendment superseded Article 1 Sec. 3, by replacing state appointment of senators with the popular vote (which by the way has had numerous negative unintended consequences, not the least of which is our national debt) the Electoral College and the duties of the Senate maintain the original governmental structure of our nation as a representative republic, not a democracy.  This is important because it recognizes that not everything should be decided by a simple majority of the popular vote.  What if everyone decided that slavery should be legal again?  Would that make it right?  The very word democracy tells us that with its root from the Greek demos, which contrary to popular belief doesn't mean "the people" so much as it means "idiot."  Which is to say that sometimes, the majority is wrong.  This is commonly referred to as Tyranny of the Masses.  Now, make your jokes that the red regions are filled with idiots, but it was the blue regions that our system was designed to protect us from.  Other, than that, cool graphic."
    on: A Great Example of Better Data Visualization: This Voting Map GIF
  • "Beautiful.  Just when I thought we'd learned its limits, wood still finds a way to stun and surprise.  "
    on: Tesler + Mendelovitch Apply Their Sculptural "Wood Skin" to Interiors
  • "The article didn't say milkshakes had less calories than Snickers, it said that the consumer felt less guilt.  McDonalds is in the business to make money by selling milkshakes (burgers, fries, etc) not controling people's calorie consumption or lowering the nation's healthcare costs.  If people want to buy a milkshake for the morning commute it's McD's job to sell it to them at a profit.  Feel free to open your own burger joint with whatever focus you want.  It's called free market capitalism."
    on: People Don't Want Your Product Design. They Want the Outcome It Provides
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