""Chances are high that a furniture designer/builder in Germany attended a Hauptschule." this is simply very untrue. Getting any decent job or education after only attending Hauptschule is almost impossible.a few additional comments from somebody who did actually go to school in Germany, is a designer, builds things daily and graduated from gymnasium to go to design school:- Much fewer people attend the Hauptschule as stated- hauptschule doesn't really qualify you for anything and would not make you admissible for a designs school- most "builders" carpenters and so on are graduate from a Realschule- the system is highly socially problematic as kids from parents that have been in Realschule and Hauptschule will rarely be accepted into a gymnasium. this means: workforce stays workforce. - I agree on all points with Andreas.Most design students have their A-levels wich means they attended gymnasiums and a few attended Hauptschule.I am sorry Rain but your article just simply way off."