John M

San Francisco, CA, USA


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  • "Yeah, I guess you're right in regards to simplifying engineering. But I would still argue that this solution is over-engineered. It's a stand. Why does it need to be so complicated? What problem does it solve to be this precise? With a wristwatch, you need that precision. I admittedly don't know much about wristwatches, but I would imagine that any little imperfection would be compounded every time that second hand ticks. If it's to the "tolerance" of 0.0001 seconds, the time will be off within a few months.  So once again, why does a computer stand need that level of precision?Lastly, that one-button Apple Mouse was (and still is ) absolutely God-awful. It is more complicated than existing computer mice with buttons, and also significantly less precise. Try using a 3D modeling program that requires a 3-click mouse. Absolute nightmare. "
    on: Why You Shouldn't Be Surprised by Apple's $1,000 Monitor Stand
  • "Hey Rain, great article. I think you might be missing one key thing. While it's great that Ive can do whatever he wants, that doesn't necessarily mean that he should. This object is over-engineered and over-designed, and as a result, overly expensive. Look at all of the parts inside of that hinge in that section view! The more parts you have, the higher likelihood of failure. If Apple really believes in creating a premium product that will last, don't you think they should go back to their original ethos of simplifying? Simplifying the UX/UI. Simplify the lines of the product. Simplify the engineered parts. Remember, Ive isn't designing for himself. He's designing for a customer. Apple has fallen so far from their original ethos as a company. I think this is the sort of thing that will slowly catch up to them. I've left Apple, and it's not because of the price. It's because their products don't make any sense anymore. This stand is one great example. The overly thin macbook pros of 2018 that had their processors throttled due to lack of thermal mass/heat sinking capabilities is another example.  It's just a company that has strayed far from its original ethos and will pay for it in the long run. "
    on: Why You Shouldn't Be Surprised by Apple's $1,000 Monitor Stand
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