"Thanks Sil, I corrected by Hyves typo.
And Steve: I'm trying to remember coffee shops (the non Dutch kind) before Twitter and Facebook. Do you think spontaneous conversations were much more likely before we were staring at our screens?"
"Thanks for your comments, Jill.
One of the reasons the blogger community is very critical of green brands is because we know that consumers are truly clamoring for sustainable choices, and want to be informed. We hold companies that make sustainability promises to a higher standard.
This is a difficult area to navigate, and unless we as consumers spend a great deal of time investigating these issues, making good decisions is hard. We would welcome a retail brand that would curate these choices for us, and back them up with proof. Our concern is that consumers will select the not-so-green products on your site, but because of the overall promise of the brand and tone of the site, feel that they are making a more sustainable choice."