"The Lumo Lift (http://www.lumobodytech.com/lumo-lift/) does with a simple vibration and is much less distracting then your needing to check your phone."
"Definitely from CMC... and it looks like a fairly stock L90IETP – chariot and all.http://www.cmcmt.it/cmcmt/english/line-stripers-and-scarifiers-new/line-stripers/airspray-machines/line-striper-l90ietp/index.html"
"Nick Polanksy (Artist in Resident) at the Autodesk Pier 9 Workshop just posted an instructable on his kerf cutting project. He built a steam bag system for steaming large and long pieces and it worked perfectly!http://m.instructables.com/id/Kerf-Cutting-Timber/"