"Ring binders are 132 years old. It is time to replace them with new style binders. Cut from flexible sheet of material. No rings, No metal or plastic parts involved. Adjusting automatically to the thickness of pages inside. Patent pending. The question faced by the inventor right now is of they should focus on EU or try to survive in USA (Efficient Infringement - seems is official policy) More and more inventors are currently going to EU and China since there patent protection is real. the 2011 AIA (American Invention ACT) effect is drop in 50% range of US patent and increasing flow of inventors looking for greener pastures abroad far away from dictated by BIG Tech. Google, Amazon, Facebook...) current US anti patent policy.Thanks to the 2011 AIA act no inventor in a garage is able to compete with the tech giants. He/she will be steam rolled in oblivion."