Chris Giles

Accountant, Giles Palmer Llp
Lincoln, UK


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  • "I really like some of your comments on this. I've been a huge Apple fan myself since I was a kid and only ever used other devices if and when absolutely necessary.  I feel like I'm always having to defend Apples Mac Pro to people, explaining people who need these machines are Disney and other high end pro companies, not for the average Joe like us. But I must say that I don't feel Apple are only catering for the high end consumer. From the days of the the Apple II, their mission has been to bring to people what they need on whatever level they need it. IE iPhone 11 Plus vs iPhone SE etc. Some years ago I took to heart and adopted the motto of Nike founder Bill Bowerman 'If you can't buy it, build it'. I've lost count of amount of things I've made from scratch because I couldn't afford it or it simply didn't exist. And thats the point. Jobs and Woz created Apple Computer because they wanted computers for themselves and their friends, and at the time there was no such thing as a personal computer.  You have to admit, even Apples failures are designed and constructed 1000% percent better than most other products in their filed. A previous employer issued me with PC's for work which over an 8 year period needed to be replaced 3 times. Whereas my 2008 iMac preceded all three and is still running today. Now I own my own business I'm still using that same iMac among other Macs. Some I've bought brand new and some I've sourced second hand. But I think thats the point, they run and keep on running. Loved your article :) "
    on: Why You Shouldn't Be Surprised by Apple's $1,000 Monitor Stand
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